Use teleport tablets on the Spellbook to receive chipped teleport tables you can store in the Spellbook The spellbook can store up to 1,000 each of Watchtower, Camelot, Falador, Ardougne, Lumbridge and Varrock chipped teleport tablets and be equipped in the pocket slot Can be stored with up to six compactable teleport jewellery items with a maximum of 5,000 teleport charges Teleports to various Locations for example Fishing Guild or Karamja Banana Plantation. Use this to access the fairy ring network after A Fairy Tale II - Cure a Queen (especially useful for level 2 clues) Note: after A Fairy Tale III - Battle at Ork's Rift, no items are needed to use the fairy rings Use this to decrease charter ship prices (if using them) Use this to buy items needed for emote clues Use this to travel over large distances - passage of the abyss is very useful for saving inventory spaces Gives an increased drop rate for clues and increases potential reward chance from caskets The former two can take a significant amount of time to obtain despite this, it is highly advised, as it will save a considerable amount of time in the long run. Having a Totem of Treasure active reduces both the minimum and maximum amount of steps by 1: The top part is obtained from Big Game Hunter the middle, from the Anachronia Agility Course and, the base from finding 20 ancient zygomites. Master scrolls are between 6 and 8 clues long, with high-levelled quest and skill requirements.Elite scrolls can be between 5 and 7 clues long, with multiple fights, and puzzles between most steps.Hard scrolls can be between 5 and 7 clues long, with multiple enemies to defeat, and potentially high-levelled quest requirements.Medium scrolls can be between 4 and 6 clues long, with some quest requirements.Easy scrolls can be between 3 and 5 clues long, with few or no quest requirements.However, it has the greatest and most-expensive rewards. A Clue Scroll (Easy) is a low-difficulty treasure trail, with a low reward yield a Clue Scroll (Medium) is a medium-difficulty treasure trail, with a more substantial reward yield a Clue Scroll (Hard) is a hazardous treasure trail, which can be very rewarding a Clue Scroll (Elite) is the second-most-dangerous clue scroll to receive and complete, with potentially very expensive rewards a Clue Scroll (Master) is the most-challenging clue scroll type.

There are five levels of clue scroll: easy, medium, hard, elite and master. The 'level' of a clue scroll relates to its difficulty. For this reason, this may lead to inconsistencies or things being repeated twice.įor the main article, see Treasure Trails.

It simply transcribes everything from the subpages. This article is a consolidation of all subpages of the Treasure Trails/Guide page. 17.1 List of Skills needed to complete all riddles below.15.11 The Islands That Once Were Turtles.15.6 Fremennik Isles (Jatizso and Neitiznot).13.1.4 Maps with an X and a fishing spot.7.3.4 The Islands That Once Were Turtles.Upon listening to the TranScribe, gamers will have completed the Do No Harm side mission. Now all that is left for gamers to do is listen through the new TranScribe which is a conversation our protagonist had with Kohl.

Hendrick DeVries’ listen through the message “Morgan’s Breakdown”.
Once inside his office, head to his computer and download the decryption key that will unlock the TranScribe that was also found on Dr.Loot his corpse to gain his keycard in order to access his office. Hendrick DeVries’ corpse which is in the elevator lobby. If you haven’t picked up his office keycard, you’ll want to locate Dr.You’ll find his computer within his office located by Hendrik DeVries’ office within the Trauma Center. In order to star the side mission Do No Harm, players will first need to access Mathias Kohl’s workstation computer.